Here is how grading will work for this class and answers for some FAQs about grading. Please check the FAQs before posting any questions you have about your project grades!
Last updated
Here is how grading will work for this class and answers for some FAQs about grading. Please check the FAQs before posting any questions you have about your project grades!
Last updated
To pass this class, you should at least complete all of the minimum project requirements. Things like doing extra credit opportunities (completing challenge problems, filling out course surveys, answering other Ed posts, etc.) will also be taken into account. Each student will also be given 3 total slip days to cover any emergency or other conflict. We will also drop the project with the lowest score.
After all slip days have been used, we will be deducing 10% from that project's grade per day submitted late (1 day = 90% max for that project, 2 days = 80%...) No late submissions will be accepted after the Wednesday following the normal submission deadline.
In addition, the final project is weighted more heavily than the rest of the individual projects, so if you don’t do so great on the usual project assignment, a solid final project can boost your grade significantly. We want everyone to succeed and learn in the class!
In summary, if you want to pass this class you will need to put some effort into it. We will send out emails to students before the drop deadline if they are in jeopardy or are struggling in the class.
P1 - Swift Playground
P2 - UIKit & Autolayout
P3 - Navigation & Delegation
P4 - UITableView
P5 - UICollectionView
P6 - Networking I
P7 - Networking II
Hack Challenge Final Project
Extra Credit