
Fall 2023 | Vin Bui

Imagine a large scale application with thousands of lines of code. The codebase would be very messy! To solve this, we need to be able to reuse our code. We can do this with functions.

Functions allow us to define reusable blocks of code. We define a function by using the func keyword followed by the name of the function (myName) and open/close parentheses:

func myName() {
    print("My name is Vin")

If we were to just define this function in the playground, nothing will be printed out. This is because we also need to call the function. We can call the function we previously defined with the following code:


Let’s test this in the playground:

Parameters and Arguments

The nice thing about functions is that we can pass in arguments to make our functions a lot more useful. Using the example above, let’s customize our function to make it a lot more versatile:

func myName(name: String) {
    print("My name is \(name)")

This function has a parameter called name which is of type String and uses string interpolation to output the name. We would then need to pass in an argument to the function call:

myName(name: "Vin")

Parameters and arguments are commonly confused by many. Arguments are passed into the function through the function call. Parameters are variables in the header of the function definition.

External and Internal Parameter Names

In Swift, we can change the way parameters are named in the function call and inside of the function definition.

func myName(name str: String) {
    print("My name is \(str)")

myName(name: "Vin")

In this example, the name of the parameter within the function definition is str but when we call the function, we use name. str is known as an internal parameter and name is called an external parameter. This may not seem useful at first glance, but it is a very powerful feature once we begin writing code.

We can also use an underscore (_) as the external parameter.

func myName(_ name: String) {
    print("My name is \(name)")


By doing this, we do not need to provide the external parameter name when passing in our argument in the function call.

Common external parameter names include in, for, and with.

Returning Values

The functions that we defined earlier did not have any return value, meaning that when we called the function, nothing gets sent back to the function caller. However, many of the functions we create will have a return value. To do this in Swift, we use the right arrow () followed by the return type.

func isEven(num: Int) -> Bool {
    if num % 2 == 0 {
        return true
    return false

The function above will return true if the argument that we pass in is an even number and false otherwise.

Because this function returns a value, we can do many things with this function call such as assigning the returned value to a variable.

If our function returns a value with only one line of code, we can omit the return keyword. This is commonly seen in SwiftUI.

Last updated