
Fall 2023 | Vin Bui

This is one of the most important concepts in iOS development!

Sometimes we may want to show that our data does not have any value. If we were using Strings, then an empty string may be a good indicator for “no value”. What about integers? We could use 0 or -1. The problem with this is that we are creating imaginary rules for ourselves. Swift solves this issue by introducing optionals.

Indicating an optional

To indicate an optional in Swift, we use a ? succeeding the data type. For example, a string optional (or optional string) is represented by String?. This String optional can hold two things:

  1. a String value

  2. nil

nil means “nothing” or “no value”. To better understand optionals, let’s look at the following example:

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

This function returns a String optional with value “iOS is the best subteam” if the argument is "ios" and nil otherwise. Let’s put this in the playground and try to store this value into a variable:

What is the issue with this code? Well, the type of the variable iosLead is a String but the function returns a String?. These two data types are different. In that case, we could change the data type of iosLead to String?.

Okay, but what if there was a function that only takes in a String and not a String? but we still want to use the value returned from getSubteamLead?

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

func cheerLead(name: String) {
    print("Woo! Go \(name)!")

cheerLead(name: getSubteamLead(subteam: "ios"))

This code will not execute because getSubteamLead returns a String? but the function cheerLead takes in a String. In this case, we would need to unwrap the optional.

Safely unwrapping optionals

In order to grab the non-nil value of an optional, we must unwrap it. There are three ways to do this:

  1. if let

  2. guard let

  3. Force unwrapping (!)

The first two provides a safe way to unwrap the optional. Using the example from earlier, let’s try to unwrap the optional:

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

func cheerLead(name: String) {
    print("Woo! Go \(name)!")

if let leadName = getSubteamLead(subteam: "ios") {
    cheerLead(name: leadName)

The constant leadName holds the unwrapped value returned from the function call getSubteamLead. We would then use leadName within the if statement. Now, if the function returned nil instead, then the block of code will not be executed.

We could also use a guard let statement:

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

func cheerLead(name: String) {
    print("Woo! Go \(name)!")

// Create a custom error
enum myError: Error {
    case incorrectSubteam

guard let leadName = getSubteamLead(subteam: "ios") else {
    // Usually we would return something here but because this is not
    // a function, we had to throw an error
    throw myError.incorrectSubteam

cheerLead(name: leadName)

The main difference between using an if let versus a guard let statement is the scope of the variable/constant. The constant leadName lives within the block of code in an if let statement whereas in a guard let statement, it lives outside of it. As we can see above, we are able to use the constant leadName outside of the guard let statement.

We would want to use a guard let statement if we want to use the value many times outside of the block of code, or when we want to terminate the code early when a condition is false for efficiency purposes.

Force unwrapping optionals

Another (not recommended) approach to unwrap an optional is to force unwrap it using an exclamation mark (!).

Be careful! If we try to unwrap an optional that is holding nil, our program will crash!

Let me emphasize this again. Our code will crash if we unwrap an optional that is holding nil. We should only use this approach if we are 100% certain that the optional holds an actual value. However, most of the time we should not have to use this. Let’s use the code from earlier:

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

func cheerLead(name: String) {
    print("Woo! Go \(name)!")

let leadName = getSubteamLead(subteam: "ios")
cheerLead(name: leadName!)

In this case, we know that the code will not crash because we are certain that leadName will not hold nil. However, leadName could hold nil and our code will crash if it does.

Implicitly unwrapped optionals

Earlier, we mentioned that we can indicate an optional by using a question mark (?). For example, we can indicate a String optional by doing String?. We can also use an exclamation mark (!) such as String!. The difference between these two is that the constant or variable with the data type that contains the exclamation mark, does not need to be unwrapped before it is used. This is called an implicitly unwrapped optional. We unwrap the optional the moment the variable or constant is initialized. We are very likely to see this when we get into UIKit.

Be careful because our code will still crash if this variable/constant holds nil.

Optional chaining

It can get very annoying having to unwrap optionals using guard let or if let statements and can clutter our code a lot. This may cause many people to be tempted to force unwrap an optional which we should already know is not good. Let’s take a look at the following code:

func getSubteamLead(subteam: String) -> String? {
    if subteam == "ios" { return "Tiffany Pan" }
    if subteam == "design" { return "Christina Zeng" }
    if subteam == "marketing" { return "Eddie Chi" }
    if subteam == "android" { return "Emily Hu" }
    if subteam == "backend" { return "Joyce Wu" }

    return nil

let uppercaseDesign = getSubteamLead(subteam: "design").uppercased()

If we put this code in the playground, Xcode will give us an error.

The problem is that the uppercased method is only available for String types, not String? types. Since getSubteamLead returns a String? we would need to unwrap it before we can use it in the uppercased method. However, this is very annoying to do and can make our code cluttered. Thankfully, Swift allows us to use optional chaining:

let uppercaseDesign = getSubteamLead(subteam: "design")?.uppercased()

That extra ? after the call to getSubteamLead is the optional chaining. This means everything after the ? will only be run if everything before it has a value and is not nil. Try this in the playground and the error message will go away.

Nil coalescing operator

Another clean way to handle optionals in our code is to use the nil coalescing operator. The following code is an example of how to use it:

let designLead = getSubteamLead(subteam: "design") ?? "Invalid"

The ?? is the nil coalescing operator and it provides a default value if the optional is holding nil. In the code above, if the call getSubteamLead(subteam: "design") returned nil, then the constant designLead will hold the default value "Invalid" instead of nil. This is very nice because we do not have to unwrap anything and ensures that there is an actual value.

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